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Brian Bell


English 111-03H


September 19th, 2015


Critical Thinking #3


William Penn


            William Penn was a philosopher, Quaker, and founder of the state of


Pennsylvania. He also heavily inspired the writings of the U.S. Constitution. In a quote


by William Penn he states that, "Justice is the insurance which we have on our lives and


property. Obedience is the premium which we pay for it." I believe this to mean that for


us to live safely and to have protection of our own lives and property, we must make


sure that justice prospers. Obedience to the ones who up hold justice and keep us and


our belongings safe; that is the price we must pay. I believe this to ring true even to this


very day.


            My father served in the United States military for twenty-five years and he went


over-seas numerous times to make sure that the country and people he loved were


always safe. For this reason I will always respect, admire, and show obedience to him.


No matter how scared or worried I was for his safety, I knew deep down that he was


proud to serve this country. I think that our appreciation is the very least that we can


give to the men and women who fight and give their lives to keep us safe every single






Works Cited:


"Brief History of William Penn." Independence Hall Association, 2012.                  Web. 18 Nov. 2015. <>.

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